Two business professionals in a server room discuss data storage options

Know Your Data: The Importance of Limiting Data Storage Locations

Imagine a business that has products stored in different locations across the city but only enough budget for one security guard and one alarm system. They regularly move items from one location to another, and there’s no real system for what goes where. It would be nearly impossible to effectively protect all of the merchandise.

If, however, all of the items were stored in one location, they would know where to focus their resources: the guard would patrol just that facility, and they would install the alarm system there.

Your company’s data is a lot like this merchandise—you and your IT team can take care of it best when it’s all in one place. Limiting data storage locations is the best way to protect and securely back up your information—here’s why.

Where You Put Your Data Matters

Businesses across the globe use data storage services like Google Drive, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Dropbox to manage their company information. Each platform offers different advantages, but employing all of them at once can have some serious drawbacks.

Having multiple storage locations increases the risk of data redundancy. While this technique can be beneficial when used strategically and intentionally, it can quickly use up space and money and lead to disorganized data. Poor organization makes your systems inefficient and hard to access, which in turn slows down operations and productivity.

One of the biggest concerns is that having data spread out and repeated across multiple locations makes it difficult to back up and protect.

Consistency Is Key

Consolidating your data storage, along with consistent organization, will remedy many of these data management pain points. Establishing a clear system for where your data is stored and why will allow your team to quickly access information, enhancing both effectiveness and productivity.

Benefits of Consistent Data Management

  • Improved Data Management: You’ll be less likely to lose data because information won’t be shifting from one storage platform to another. Your data remains current and accurate because you can update it in the correct location and delete outdated credentials.
  • Cost Efficiency: A single data storage site is also a more cost-effective option: You can focus your resources on protecting and learning just one service, instead of three or four.
  • Enhanced Cybersecurity: A centralized storage site allows your cybersecurity team to implement stronger safeguards and backup procedures. Knowing exactly where all your data is stored reduces the risk of gaps in your security system where hackers could exploit vulnerabilities.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication: For data centralization to be truly effective, you and your staff must do your part. Multi-factor authentication should be used to keep out unauthorized personnel. Further access controls can help keep sensitive data in as few hands as possible. 

Okay, I’m In! How Do I Get Started?

If you’ve decided that a single data storage location is the route for you, take a look at these tips for making the most of your new storage strategy.

Choosing the Right Service

Having a reliable storage provider is absolutely crucial for protecting and managing your data. Get referrals from fellow business owners or your IT team and do a little research before committing to a service. Choose a company that offers the right amount of bandwidth/space for your needs and whose pricing aligns with your financial capabilities.

Migrating to a Single Location

Getting all of your data into the right place is a big project, so we recommend reviewing these tips with IT professionals to help make a seamless transition.

  • Before you dive in, sit down and strategize. Consider potential roadblocks, when you’ll switch over, budget constraints, and how you’ll adjust other systems and processes.
  • Consider using a data flow diagram (DFD). This shows how your data moves through different locations and how it’s used in various transactions, helping you determine the best way to store, protect, and back up your information.
  • Make an inventory list of what data you have stored where so you can determine the best way to centralize it.
  • Remember the goal of consolidating your data is to keep it safe. Form detailed backup and security plans for the move itself and your new system.
  • Leave bad data management practices behind. Take this opportunity to rework any processes or eradicate any bad habits, leading to a safer, more effective data storage solution.

Maintaining Healthy Data Storage

Even once your data is safely settled in your new single location, your job isn’t over yet. Be sure to carry out all of the plans you made for strong security and backup procedures. Routinely evaluate and update your strategies to account for growth, new security threats, etc.

Employee education will be key to keeping your data safe. Hold team training to learn about data consistency, fulfilling compliance requirements, and best practices for data location management (e.g., logging out, practicing proper password hygiene, locking your screen). Offer tech support to help staff members resolve storage issues and stay on top of security.

Take Care of Your Data with Run Networks

The task of data migration and management can be daunting, so why not partner with a dependable IT company like Run Networks? We’ll help you make the best plan for your information, and you can spend time running your company instead of worrying about data storage, security, and backups. Ready to centralize your data storage? Just talk to Run Networks.