Tag Archives: network security

How Threat Hunting Works and Why It’s Vital for Network Security

You may think it would be obvious if your business were under attack from a [...]

What Is Network Segmentation and How Does It Improve Security?

For years now, business security has meant more than just locking the door and enabling [...]


There has been an increasing complexity and demands of modern IT environments to accommodate organizations [...]

What Are Man-in-the-Middle Attacks and How Do They Work?

Have you ever had your friend text for you while you were driving? You tell [...]

Application Whitelisting vs. Blacklisting: Choosing the Right Security Approach

Just as you notice who comes and goes in your physical business, you should pay [...]

What is Session Hijacking?

Session hijacking is a form of cyberattack where an unauthorized individual gains access to a [...]

Endpoint Protection vs Traditional Antivirus: Which Offers Better Threat Detection

If you had a business a hundred years ago, your biggest fears would be someone [...]

The Need for a SOC and The Importance of Security Services in Business Networks

A SOC works to improve the organization's overall cybersecurity through threat detection and prevention and [...]

Why Business Should Focus on Application Whitelisting

Application whitelisting is a security practice that allows only approved applications to run on a [...]

VPNFilter Malware – What you need to know

Recently, malware known as “VPNFilter” has been identified to potentially impact nearly 500,000 routers. This [...]